The Rights and Obligations of Shareholders in Australia
Blog, Commercial Law Jacob Corbett Blog, Commercial Law Jacob Corbett

The Rights and Obligations of Shareholders in Australia

Shareholders play a vital role in private companies in Australia. They provide capital, participate in key decisions, and contribute to the company’s strategic direction. However, their involvement is governed by a set of rights and duties designed to balance their interests with the company’s objectives. Understanding these rights and responsibilities is essential for building a successful and compliant business.

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5 Reasons Mergers and Acquisitions Fail 
Blog, Commercial Law Jacob Corbett Blog, Commercial Law Jacob Corbett

5 Reasons Mergers and Acquisitions Fail 

Mergers and acquisitions are complex transactions that require stringent planning and execution. Despite the best intentions, many deals fall through due to various pitfalls. Understanding these common issues can help both buyers and sellers navigate the process more effectively. We explore key reasons why mergers and acquisitions fail.

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Who Can Contest a Will in Queensland?
Blog, Succession Planning Jacob Corbett Blog, Succession Planning Jacob Corbett

Who Can Contest a Will in Queensland?

Navigating the intricacies of wills and estate disputes in Queensland requires a clear understanding of the legal framework and your rights as a potential claimant or beneficiary. We explore the grounds for challenging a will, eligibility criteria for claimants, timelines for legal action, and the pivotal role of legal advice in protecting your interests.

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E-Commerce Businesses: Secure Your Online Shop
Blog, Commercial Law Jacob Corbett Blog, Commercial Law Jacob Corbett

E-Commerce Businesses: Secure Your Online Shop

Explore our comprehensive guide on securing your online shop in the dynamic world of e-commerce. From navigating consumer privacy and data protection laws to ensuring product safety and crafting robust contracts, our blog covers essential legal issues. Learn practical tips to mitigate risks and build a thriving e-commerce business. Contact Bradley and Bray for expert legal assistance tailored to your unique needs at (07) 5441-1400.

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What is a Bequest in a Will?
Blog, Succession Planning Jacob Corbett Blog, Succession Planning Jacob Corbett

What is a Bequest in a Will?

In the world of wills, understanding what a bequest is holds significant importance. For individuals, a bequest is a tool that lets them determine what happens to their assets after they pass away. We help you understand the essentials of bequests — defining what they are, understanding their impact, and realising their importance in estate planning. A bequest is more than a strategic decision; it reflects a deliberate plan, empowering individuals to decide who inherits their property.

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Can a Shareholders’ Agreement Be Amended?
Blog, Commercial Law Jacob Corbett Blog, Commercial Law Jacob Corbett

Can a Shareholders’ Agreement Be Amended?

If your company has more than one shareholder, you must consider drafting a shareholders’ agreement to protect your interests and those of your shareholders. While it is not required by law, it’s best practice to have it to outline the rights, responsibilities, and relationships of shareholders, directors & company board members. With this legally binding contract, potential disputes and conflicts among investors can be better handled. But as your company grows over time, another critical question will likely be raised: can a shareholders’ agreement be amended?

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Can You Walk Away from a Home Purchase Contract If The Property Has Unapproved Structures?
Blog, Real Estate Jacob Corbett Blog, Real Estate Jacob Corbett

Can You Walk Away from a Home Purchase Contract If The Property Has Unapproved Structures?

Purchasing a home typically brings a sense of joy and anticipation. Yet, this excitement can swiftly shift to concern when you uncover unapproved structures on the property, such as an unexpected granny flat or a carport. The prospect of having to dismantle these additions post-settlement is not only inconvenient, but quite possibly expensive as well. It therefore raises an important question: Can you walk away from a property purchase contract in such situations? We help explain your rights as a homebuyer in Queensland and guide you on whether you can back out of a house sale.

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